I felt last week at a client launch event, then boy, I would.
Months of hard work, sleepless nights and a tiny bit of panic came to a head at the One Aldwych Hotel in Covent Garden, as twenty top trade editors descended on the capital to witness the launch of a new water technology company.
I am proud to say that from beginning to end it was nothing short of perfection. In part this
was down to my almost psychotic organisation, but combined with a little Christmas cheer, some incredibly passionate specialists (the client) and the brilliance of the staff at the One Aldwych hotel, the day was undoubtedly the highlight of my year. (Apart from WPR B2B winning not one, but two awards).
Happy clients and happy editors make for happy PR’s and as I glanced across the room at a sea of smiles and chinking wine glasses, the pain in my feet, the bags under my eyes and that slightly sick feeling you get at an event that your responsible for all seemed to disappear.
Receiving genuine praise from clients and editors on the same day is enough to make any
B2B PR pro celebrate a little, but when comments include “It was the best launch event I’ve ever attended” and “It was superbly organised and a pleasure to be part of”, well now that must deserve a victory dance?
Ok, I know this is cheesy. Maybe the festive season has gone to my head. But for the rest of
today at least I’m going to be as pleased as punch. Dancing over, here are WPR B2B’s top tips for a trade press event to be proud of:
· Preparation is king – Editors are busy people and giving them enough time to plan ahead
will ensure that your event is bursting at the seams. Think your invites through properly and make the timings of the day as convenient as possible for your guests.
· Presentation perfection – One Aldwych has a mini cinema which makes presentations really
exciting. Content should be relevant to the audience and videos or using different spokespeople can make it more engaging.
· Rumbling tummies – There is no greater pleasure in life than free food. We had homemade cookies on arrival with fresh tea and coffee, popcorn in the cinema during the presentation and a five star meal as our final celebration.
· Proper press packs – Firstly, make them easy to transport home. Pack them with newsworthy
releases and product literature and always include something to nibble on the way home. We had corporate branded chocolates.
·The real work starts when everyone has gone home – The last goodbye doesn’t mark the end! Thanking people for their attendance the day after and securing features, comment pieces and the inclusion of your news releases is what will give your client the ROI that they desire.
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